作者:logo orange! 来源:logo orange!
Logo是品牌图形区别的点睛之处,我们每天都要接触很多logo - 在高速公路上,在购买商品时,以及浏览各种网站。我们查看很多logo设计,并且去学习和了解设计师们设计Logo的原则和技巧,从而发现和总结出将来的logo设计趋势。
Logos are the ultimate mark of distinction and everyone loves them. We see logos everyday - on the highways, on consumer goods, on the Web and in the institutions and organizations we support. Read about the different types of logo designs here and learn what principles and techniques are used to create them. Discover what the future holds for logo design ---by logo orange!
Organic 3D -3D集合:
Waves - The New Swooshes 新扭曲旋转:
"Web 2.0" Logos 式样:
Transparency 透明度应用:
Minimal Fonts 残缺字体:
New Rainbow / Color Scale 彩虹:
Sci-Fi Fonts 字体:
Leaves Logos 树叶状:
The "Ugly" 80’s:
The New Crest 新饰章: